How We’re Celebrating Earth Day...Every Day

From the very beginning, Earth Day was a very big deal. 

Fifty-one years ago—on April 22, 1970—an estimated 20 million people gathered in streets across America to observe the first-ever Earth Day event. It was, by some accounts, the largest single-day protest in human history. And from there, it just kept growing: by 1990, Earth Day celebrations were taking place in 141 countries worldwide. 

Even the coronavirus couldn’t keep Earth Day down. Last year, with mass gatherings prohibited across much of the world, more than 100 million people congregated online to observe the event’s 50th anniversary in what has been called the largest digital mass mobilization in history.

Here at Hamilton & Adams, we are celebrating Earth Day, but we think it would be even better to simply live it—every day, in everything we do—for three primary reasons:

  1. We’re painfully aware of the climate catastrophe that’s unfolding across the globe—a situation that appears to be getting more disastrous by the day.
  2. We’re personally drawn to the beauty of our natural surroundings here in upstate New York, and we want to do what we can to help maintain that beauty for future generations.
  3. As business owners, we believe it’s our responsibility to play a role in curbing the effects of climate change.

So in honor of Earth Day 2021, we’re renewing our commitment to working with eco-friendly vendors and brands that share our values around stewardship and sustainability. 

That commitment begins with our own products. For example, all of the T-shirts we produce in-house (including our popular Upstate & Chill™ and Adventure Series collections) are made from 40 percent recycled polyester. 

We recently launched a partnership with Marine Layer, a San Francisco-based company featuring “absurdly soft” Micromodal fabric made from recycled beechwood. 81 percent of the fabrics they developed in 2020 used sustainable materials. 

You should also keep an eye out for the upcoming launch of our Fair Harbor collection. Fair Harbor makes men’s swim shorts from post-consumer recycled plastic bottles. (That might sound a little strange, but you won’t believe how comfortable these shorts are—and how great they look!)

On a personal note, it’s Springtime here on the Hudson, which makes Earth Day all the more worthy of celebration. So if you’re in the neighborhood, we hope you’ll take every opportunity to get outdoors, explore the Catskills, and enjoy this gorgeous corner of Mother Earth. 

Sustainably yours,

Andrew + Clark

1 comment

  • Jean Schultz

    We visited your store yesterday and I looked up your website. I wanted to tell you how wonderful it is to see your pledge to use sustainable material. I noticed the T-shirts we’re so soft. It would be great to see something in the store that tells this story Incase someone doesn’t tell me. Kudos. Thank you so much.

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