Why Shop Small?

Let's take our block at a quick snap shot.  It is entirely composed of small, locally owned businesses, and the 8 of us cross all spectrums of society.  2 restaurants, a natural beauty shop (with services!), a tattoo parlor, a real estate office, an artists studio and 2 clothing boutiques. Our tiny block in Kingston alone employs over 50 people at any given time.  

Here's what happens when you Shop Small:

  • More of your money will be kept in your local economy
  • You embrace what makes your community unique
  • You create local jobs
  • You help the environment
  • You nurture community
  • You conserve your tax dollars
  • You create more choice
  • You took advantage of their expertise
  • You invested in entrepreneurship
  • You made your community a destination

For more information: check out this site: https://www.independentwestand.org/

Curious for some more stats?

  • 65% of the money spent in a small business stays in the local economy
  • Small businesses are 44% of the United States payroll
  • They account for over 58.9 Million jobs
  • There are nearly 31 Million small businesses in the United States
  • We create over 1.5 million new jobs every year
  • Lastly- do you know the #1 reason a small business closes?   Its lack of demand, which then contribute to cash flow constraints. 
Simply stated, small businesses rely on every transaction possible to keep their gears greased and flowing.  Restaurants need to buy more food, offer specials and expand staff, retail stores need fresh inventory, services businesses need to advertise, artists need supplies to make more art. The list goes on and on, but the small efforts individual customers make, really do add up.


It's not just a marketing catch line, shopping small is American Patriotism.   

We hope to see you soon,

Andrew & Clark

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